Over Weighting May Affect Male Sexual Health

A new study shows that obesity has a significant impact on male sexual health.

A new study suggests that obesity may have a significant impact on male sexual health. The study was conducted on 2,435 Italian male patients who were seeking outpatient treatment for sexual dysfunction between the years 2001 and 2007. The average age of the patients was 52. Among them, 4% were severely obese, 12.1% were obese, 42.4% were overweight, and 41.5% were normal weight.

Lab blood tests and penile Doppler ultrasounds (to measure penile blood flow) were performed on the patients. They were also interviewed about their erectile dysfunction and completed a mental health questionnaire.Results showed that testosterone level was inversely correlated with the degree of obesity. That is, the more severe the obesity, the lower the level of testosterone. Also, obesity-related conditions, especially hypertension, were the most significant causes of obesity-related erectile dysfunction. Hypertension was linked to abnormal penile blood flow as well.It appears that sexual dysfunction from obesity is a physical issue, not a self-esteem or emotional problem. 

Weight Loss and the Snowball Effect

Have you ever tried losing weight and it just keeps coming back? Then you are dealing with the snowball effect. This dreaded weight loss effect can be very frustrating and there are ways to deal with this type of effect. By taking the following suggestions into consideration, then you will be able to have the weight loss without the snowball effect taking over your diet and playing havoc with it.

Reduce or Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is a dehydrator and will lead to weight gain by virtue of water weight. It also does nothing to kill the hunger pangs.

Eat Smaller, Healthier Meals

By eating smaller and many times during the day, then you will be full during the peak times when hunger is known to strike and play havoc with your diet. This is one weight loss tip that everyone can use.

Cut Out Refined Flower

Cutting this out of your diet will help you to contain the dreaded snowball effect. If you must use flour, use whole wheat instead of white.

Drinking Water

Water flushes your system and also keeps you hydrated. It also has the ability to trick the stomach into thinking that it is full. The full feeling will keep your body from craving more food and will allow you to lose weight.

Don’t Eat After 6 pm

By not eating after 6 pm, you will be able to give your body time to process all the food and turn it into energy. If you feel hungry, drink sparkling water or water instead of turning to food. This is another good weight loss tip to bear in mind.

Become Active

By getting active, you help your body to not only lose the weight, but become healthier in the process. A healthier you is what you are aiming for, so moderate exercise is a must.

Avoid Sugar

Sugary drinks and snacks will derail a diet faster than you can say “Tom Jones”. These types of things are really not healthy for you to consume as they can be addictive and their cycle can be hard to break. This also includes diet sodas as well as some forms of things that say “diet”.

Get Enough Sleep

There are studies out there that link obesity to lack of sleep. Your body needs that restful sleep in order to regenerate your body every night.

These are just some of the tips that can be used in order to break the snowball habit. While it is not a complete listing, these weight loss tips can give you the edge and prevent your diet from going into the snowball effect. By taking just one into account, you give yourself the edge to prevent a snowball effect from blazing into your diet and taking you hostage. By implementing these ideas, you are better arming yourself for a diet that will win, not one that got derailed by a lack of one or more items that didn’t get placed on the priority list.

If you are looking for more additional information about weight loss, below is one useful resource you should not miss. Click on the banner below to learn more. 

How to Avoid Over Eating During Watching Movies

When you plan a trip to the movies, the one thing that many people look forward to is all the food you can get. Years ago it used to be that you could only get popcorn, and candy. Now they have everything from hotdogs, to pizza at your local movie theater. Going on a food binge at the movie theater is really a great way to pack on unhealthy calories. So how can you avoid over eating when you go to the movies?

The first thing that you can do which may help is to fill up before you even leave the house to go to the movies. Have a nice filling dinner right before you leave for the movie. You may even want to have some dessert as well. Remember if you are not hungry when you go to the movies, you will be less likely to load up on junk food. Instead of getting the soda when you are at the theater, get a bottle of water. The water is a healthier option, and will keep you satisfied throughout the entire movie. Just sip it during the movie. If you have the need to chew something bring along some gum to chew during the movie.

Another suggestion is to avoid going too early to the movie. Usually when you arrive at the movies early you will find that you have more time to look at the menu. Once you start looking at the menu you will be tempted to buy what you see. If you arrive just a few minutes before the movie starts and go right in to get your seats you should have no problem avoid the snack bar. The last tip is to avoid allow others to temp you into overeating. Sometimes even if you don't buy anything, you may end up munching off of your friends. Eating a little bit of what your friends have can also cause you to end up overeating when you are at the movies. If you can not resist buying something at the movies, pick something that is a bit healthier. Most movie theaters have at least one item that is a healthy option on their menu. Even if it is not really healthy it can be a lot lower in calories. For example instead of going with the high calorie pizza, why not just get a small box of unbuttered, unsalted popcorn. This will give you the opportunity to much while watching the movie, and still keep your calorie count low.

Exercise For Better Sex

Do you get winded by simply walking up a flight of stairs? Are you straining to pick up a gallon of milk? Do you crawl into bed shortly after arriving home from work? If so, you shouldn't expect to have the energy for a sexual marathon. But with proper exercise, one can get on the right track to feeling young and energetic in bed again.

At Ask UncleTerry.com we regularly have people emailing us - asking how they can improve their sexual stamina, get better aroused, last longer in bed and enjoy better enjoy sex. One of the best ways to achieve all of these desires and a whole lot more is exercise. Unless you're a cold fish, there's a great deal of body movement during sex. Together as a couple, go running or bike riding. This is a great way to spend quality time together while building physical endurance. Having healthier arteries will allow the blood to flow better to the genitals. With a healthier blood flow, men will develop a harder erection, and women will be more easily aroused.

With a conditioned body, one is able to last longer in bed and have sex numerous times. After climaxing once, break the habit of falling asleep afterward. Pleasure your mate for a while, instead. When the blood gets flowing again, "round two" can commence. This will keep both of you interested, and make your mate go wild with anticipation during intermission.

With endless positions to choose from during intercourse such as those found at AskUncleTerry.com, don't stick to the same routine. If you work your upper body, it will be easier to grab your mate with authority and try a new position. Different positions will keep the spark alive. Use each muscle. Guys, this doesn't mean you should just lay back and let the woman do all the work. You need to be engaged, as well. Sexual energy will increase exponentially if both bodies thrust towards one another. Exercising your legs, arms and chest is great, but working the hidden muscles will help build stamina, as well.

Kegel exercises work for both men, and women. This exercise will thoroughly help each partner to gain control of his or her body. To do Kegel exercises, participants must tighten the muscle as if they are holding back urine. This is not about squeezing your stomach, or rear end. Next time you are going the bathroom, try holding back the stream. This should give you a feel of where that muscle is. Once you have found it, try working the muscle with reps of about 10 to 30 times. Then try repeating this at least 50 times a day. Once you are able to do 50, step it up to 30 reps at 200 times a day. It may seem like a lot of work, but you can do these while reading the paper or typing on the computer. If you are faithful to the routine, you should feel results within a month. A woman who does Kegel exercises can control and tighten her vagina. To help stimulate the male, she can use this muscle to get a firmer grab on the penis. Men who are going to climax should tighten their pubococcygeal (PC) muscle and release as desired. This will help them develop a skill to control ejaculation. Every time you hold back an orgasm, try to last a little longer than the previous one. Remember, practice makes perfect and the ladies love a man who can hold his own.

Climb the stairs to your bedroom without feeling exhausted. Pick up that gallon of milk after a glorious morning of sex. After work, you should plan on another sexual marathon. Sex is a great stress reliever and an amazing way to show the teamwork of a couple. Although exercising may seem hard at times, your body and your spouse will thank you.

How To Reduce Stomach Fat

Weight loss is one of the hardest things a person can do. The determination and commitment can not overwhelming to begin with, until the results are felt. One of the areas, many people want to work your stomach. Understand how the reduction of fat in the stomach should not be difficult with a little effort and research is a lot of advice, guidance and suggestions you have on your destination.

The first thing you need to know the causes of fat in the stomach. If you know the source of fat is that the changes in his life, to lose weight. There are several steps you can take to help you, and the weight of your abdomen. Search methods, work best for your individual needs.

Contrary to popular belief, belly fat is not always a person eats. Genetics, sex, age and weight are factors in the model, appears as a human being, its own weight. How is your body fat in general, reflects masculine or feminine.

For example, men in general and not pack on the fat belly, giving them an aspect of the apple.

Women tend rather to a fat pear. Thighs, hips, buttocks and watersheds are normal for women, body fat. Although, as a woman goes through menopause, they usually start packing on weight in the same areas as humans.

Studies have shown a link between stress and fat from the stomach. If a person, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Obviously, after stimulation in the study of fat in the abdomen area. In a study of 60 women with results showed an increase in stress, there is also an increased fat is stored in the belly.

When trying to lose belly fat lifestyle change is in order. Change your eating habits to less fat, no sugar, fewer carbohydrates and disposal of food processing. Add a routine exercise in the list of daily activities. Configure your stomach when you exercise, try sit-ups, or cracks. Knowledge as to reduce stomach fat is not enough, you must use this knowledge to make you look happy.

Healthy Fat Loss Plan

The success of a healthy weight loss plan scheme is to tell you that there are no miracles when it comes to weight loss. Weight loss despite his advice that we should talk about this healthy weight loss. Recent studies have shown hypersensitivity complementary is very useful in improving your weight loss plan healthy diet.

Health phenomenal essential fatty acids are known for some time, but what is worrying is the latest research, the powerful weight loss and performance. In a study published in May 2007 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, as mentioned above, "The review was in its essential fatty acids, weight loss plan lost more body fat from all other groups handsets are tested. " That's huge, no matter what weight loss can be a healthy diet by.

Although nobody knows exactly why essential fatty acids - known as much as it is not by the body and must be consumed through food - the efforts of weight loss, I think it may for various reasons:

1. DFI has shown to prevent the transformation of pre-adipocytes (fat cells above) to adipocytes (fat cells) adipocyte and mediation before the death (murder, before being immortal in the fat cells).

2. Fish oil has the ability to increase the clearance of chylomicrons (a type of fat cells) and fat after a meal. This could perhaps have a positive effect on substrate utilization (use of fat).

3. Fish oil can be "artificially" decrease heart rate, level of effort required for the desired intensity. In essence, you burn more calories in general. This was to be true in a survey in Australia, shows the effects of movement and fish oil on weight loss. The researchers found that the combination of exercise and fish oil resulted in an increased loss of fat.

4. Fish oil upregulates mitochondrial machinery and increases oxidation of fats in fat cells. This wonderful process, this means that your body burns more fat for energy instead of Save.

Fat Loss Diet For Women

Losing excess weight can be a potential life-saving event. There are many studies showing a correlation between diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes (type 2) and institutions with a high fat and body mass index (BMI).

It is imperative that women recognize the increased risk of deadly diseases linked to obesity. One big advantage of measures to reduce body fat and decrease BMI is greater opportunity to prevent serious diseases.

We know from studies that the loss of fat in women is more regular (annual), moderate exercise, such as lack of exercise. This means that a routine exercise program of weight loss is more consistent benefits than sitting around and not active.

Although many factors contribute to obesity, including genetics, age, activity, nutrition, etc, it is always possible for almost everyone to take and manage your weight.

Some easy ways to "burn fat" reduction or elimination of junk food and drink, exercise at least three times a week and eat less fat. These simple measures can be a good routine of weight loss and the benefits of better health, better self-esteem, and it is better to give life.

There are many books on weight loss diets to help women with the loss of fat. Find a good hand, that the program evaluations and to choose the diet plan is best for your situation. Once you have a diet plan, be sure to read, understand, and which was, if your doctor says it is safe for you.

Fat loss for women is very important and can prevent premature deaths from diseases related to obesity.

5 Weight Loss Motivation Tips

 Tip 1 - Think slim

This tip is about that all-important moment: What do you experience just before you eat something? Do you tussle with yourself? “I really shouldn’t… but I want to!” Do you imagine how the food will taste, even feel in the mouth? Or do you focus on the real consequences, rather than the temporary satisfactions of eating?

People who are overweight tend to imagine how food is going to taste and feel as they eat. In contrast, people who naturally ‘eat slim’ tend to imagine how that pie or cake will feel heavy in their stomachs for so long after they’ve eaten it. Jumping from a great height might feel fun whilst it lasts, but the consequences that come after we hit the ground are what we consider when deciding not to do it.

So when you’re tempted to eat something you don’t need, practice imagining how your stomach is going to feel ten minutes or an hour after you’ve consumed that weight-increasing food. Keep it up until this becomes a natural habit for you.

Tip 2 - Surround yourself with slim people

No, I’m not suggesting you dump all your less-than-slender friends. But research has shown that the average body type of the people with whom you hang out affects yourweight and size (1). Start hanging around with slimmer, fitter types (perhaps at the gym) and your subconscious mind will pick up a new template for what is ‘normal’. Karen started hanging out and socializing with slim types at a jogging club.

Tip 3 - Be fair to yourself

Imagine someone walks up a hundred steps but feels a bit tired, so they stop and step back down one step. They tell you bitterly: “Now I may as well forget this whole idea of reaching the top! I’ve totally blown it!”

What?! You’d think that was crazy, right? Acting as if all that progress, the 99 steps they didclimb, never happened – because they had one slip! But people do this all the time when it comes to weight loss.

You lose weight, maybe four or five pounds, maybe much more. But you slip, have a bad day or a ‘weak moment’, and eat something you shouldn’t have. And what do you tell yourself? “I’ve completely blown it! Now I might as well really binge!”

Beware the perfectionism trap. Aim to eat sensibly and healthily most of the time, not all the time. We all consume more than we should of the wrong kind of food or drink now and then.

Everyone’s weight fluctuates a bit and you should prepare for this (once you’ve reached a healthy weight). Have a ‘sliding scale’ in your mind of a couple of pounds on either side of your target weight. No one can live for long under a self-imposed, too harsh dictatorship.

Tip 4 - Weight loss is not a cure-all

Sure, being healthier, fitter, and so on will have positive and maybe unexpected ripple effects. However, even as a slimmer person you’ll still have a bad day in the office, moments of self-doubt, or times when you feel undervalued.

Many people feel let down when they become slimmer and then find that being slim doesn’t solve all their problems in one go. They then revert to eating poorly again. Don’t fall into this trap.

Tip 5 - Eat when you’re hungry

I know this sounds obvious, but eating sugary foods causes a subsequent crash in energy, leaving you wanting more sweetness. On the other hand, eating for slow energy release is a sustainable way to keep your weight loss motivation firing on all cylinders without you having to consciously think about it. For slow-release energy, eat protein with every meal alongside ‘good carbs’ such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. This avoids the ‘crash and burn’ of sugar overdosing.

Karen walked down the aisle over six years ago. I still see her at my gym sometimes. She tells me that the happiest day of her life was so happy because she felt so healthy. The fact that she was slim was (and is) just a happy outer reflection of the changes she’s experienced in the ways she feels and thinks about food.

(1) Having an obese friend dramatically increases the risk of becoming similarly fat, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Obesity is ‘socially contagious’, spreading from person to person in a social network, researchers said. The study found that if one person becomes obese, those closely connected to them have a greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Surprisingly, the greatest effect was seen not among people sharing the same genes or household, but among friends.

(Healthy weight loss diet, Eating fat to get thin, Yeast for loss weight, Online personal training, Fast weight loss, Weight loss diet, weight loss plan, weight loss tips, losing weight tips)

How to Create a 12 Week Weight Loss Countdown Calendar to Burn Fat

One great way to keep yourself on track when it comes to weight loss is to create a countdown calendar.

Counting down, instead of counting forward, will give you a greater sense of urgency — and the daily reminder will push you into sticking to plan. It may take a bit of time to do, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run. I’ll guide you through it step-by-step to make it as easy as possible.

Once you’re finished creating your countdown calendar, you’re going to have a solid plan to help you reach your weight loss goals!

Which Calendar to Use?

I strongly recommend using an electronic/digital calender. Sure, you can use a paper calendar, but if you make a mistake, you’ve got to start over again. Not only is it easier to fix any mistakes with a digital calendar, but you can set alarms or even re-use the calendar for your next weight loss goal.

Examples of digital calendars: the calendar feature on Outlook 2007, Google Calendar, Lightning for Thunderbird, Yahoo Calendar or Windows Calendar. Use whichever calendar you’re most comfortable with.

Most digital calendars allow you to create separate calendars. I strongly recommend creating a new calendar, called, for example, Weight Loss or 12 Week Countdown Calendar. This will keep it separate from any of your other calendars, and you can easily delete it or import it, if need be.

So, let’s get started… The screenshots down below are from Google Mail. Your own calendar will be a bit different, but the basic idea is the same for virtually all calendars.

Step 1 – Settle on Your Start Date:

Figure out what day you’re doing to start your weight loss plan. A lot of people like to start on a Monday, because you can use the Sunday before to get yourself prepared. Another popular start date is, of course, January 1st.

So, let’s use January 1st, as an example — but you can make your start date any day of the year.

Step 2 – Set a Daily Recurring Event on Your Calendar:

  • In your calendar, create an event that starts on January 1st (or whatever your start date is).
  • Give this recurring event a title, such as: 84 Days to Goal. You can vary this, but try to keep the “84 Days” as the first part of your title. (Since we’re creating a 12 week calendar, we’re using 84 days. For an 8 week calendar, use 56 days.)
  • Make it a daily recurring event for 84 days. Most calendars will let you type in a number of events/appointments. (If it doesn’t, see my note down below.)
  • Set a daily reminder (optional).
  • Set anything you else you want to do with this event. Make it exactly as you want it because in the next step, we will be changing the title for each event — and, in some digital calendars this will create single events instead of recurring events.
  • Save the event.

Step 3 – Change the Title of Each Event:

You’re now going to change the title of each event (except for the first one!) to countdown from day 84. So, for the event on January 2nd, change the 84 in your title to “83″. For example, if my original title was “84 Days to Goal,” the event for January 2nd is now titled “83 Days to Goal”.

It might seem like a pain to do, but roll up your sleeves and take a few minutes to do this step — you’ll be glad you did! It won’t take long and you’ll have the beginnings of a great 12 week countdown calendar.

Step 4 – Set Your “Prepare Yourself” Event:

By now, you should have the skeleton of your 12 Week Countdown Calendar. Now, let’s make this even more useful to you!

Create a one-time event for one day before your start date. For example, if your start date is January 1st, create the “Prepare Yourself” event on December 31st. Call it whatever you want, but make sure it’s something motivating! In the description of this event, write down everything you’re going to do to prepare yourself for your weight loss start date. If you’re setting goals, you may want to weighin and measurement yourself in the morning. (More on that in Step 6.)

Step 5 – Add in your DAY ZERO Event:

DAY ZERO is your final weigh-in and measurement day. It is the day after your 84 days. For example, if we started on January 1st and ended on March 25th, March 26th is our DAY ZERO. You would have completed a full 12 weeks of your weight loss plan and would then take your final weigh-in and measurements the next day.

Create a one-time event your calendar the day after your end date. You can call it DAY ZERO or whatever you want. But make it big and bold and exciting!

Step 6 – Weekly Weighin & Measurements:

To track your progress, you need to weighin and take your measurements. I like doing this once a week. You may want to do it every two weeks. I don’t recommend daily weighins & measurements for regular weight loss because your weight can fluctuate greatly during the week.

Create a weekly recurring appointment called, for example, “Weighin & Measurements.” Set an alarm to remind you to weighin.

(True Mass Weights, Unified weighing solutions, Weight loss exercises, weight feeders & scales, Calorie counter website)

10 Aerobic Exercises to burn off a pound a week

To lose one pound, you have to burn 3,500 calories. Sound tough? Not if you break it down. To lose a pound a week, do an hour each day of any activity that burns an extra 500 calories.

The number of food calories you'll burn during aerobic exercise is affected by your body weight, the intensity of your workout, your conditioning level, and metabolism, so burn rates are only an estimate. But here are ten aerobic activities and exercises that blast about 500 calories per hour, based on the weight of a 130-pound woman.
Nutrition, Fitness and Health
  1. Rowing (vigorous effort): 502
  2. Running 5.2 mph (11.5 minute mile): 531
  3. Ice skating 9 mph: 531
  4. Kickboxing: 590
  5. Rock climbing (ascending): 649
  6. Cross-country skiing (vigorous effort): 531
  7. Swimming laps freestyle (vigorous effort): 590
  8. Bicycling 14 - 15.9 mph (vigorous effort): 590
  9. Walking up stairs: 472
  10. Running up stairs: 885

The more you weigh, the more calories you burn while exercising.

10 Ways You can Exercise at Home without any Equipment

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms? Well, as nice as it sounds, it just isn’t an option for most people. And since exercise is so important, you need to find exercises that are effective and don’t require any equipment at all.

Now you have no more excuses! Here are 10 great exercises that you can do at home, without the need for any equipment:

1 - Walking

If the weather is nice, it’s wonderful to get outside and enjoy the scenery around you while you exercise. However, if the weather has other ideas, you can just as easily get an effective walking workout at home. If you have a flight of stairs, go up and down them a few times. (You could even grab a load of laundry as you’re going that way anyway!) This will help to tone up your legs, while getting some low impact aerobic exercise as well. If you don’t have any stairs available, just walk around the house a few times – it may not be very exciting, but it will do the job!

2 - Jumping Jacks 

These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid! Who hasn’t done jumping jacks for fun as a child? Well, surprise – they are also great cardio exercises, and good for warming up, too.

3 - Pushups

These are probably not the most favorite exercise of many people, but while they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You don’t need to pretend you’re “Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight. Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength and working out muscles in your chest area.

4 - Leg Lifts

These are great for building up strength and muscles in your legs. If you find it hard to do the exercises with your legs straight, try bending them slightly.

5 - Crunches

The best exercise for building up and strengthening abdominal muscles. When you’re just getting started, don’t worry about getting your head all the way up. So long as you’re going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see some benefit.

6 - Jogging In Place

Jogging is a great exercise for your heart. You can jog in place at home while watching TV or listening to music. The only equipment you will require is a good pair of shoes, to eliminate any stress to your legs.

7 - Squats

These are wonderful exercises for your legs and buttocks. You can even just try these by sitting and standing up again from a regular chair, if you’re finding them to be too difficult. As long as you’re able to do a few repetitions, you will be providing some benefit to your body.

8 - Light Weight Lifting 

 No, you don’t need to go out and buy expensive weights for this! Just use whatever you can find in your house. Start out with something lighter, such as a can of peas, and work yourself up to heavier items. You can use milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles or even water jugs.

9 - Dancing

Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart. Not only that, but it can lift your spirits as well, and give your overall feeling a boost.

10 - Step Exercises 

Using the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will tone your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful!)

Lose Weight Fast with Apples

Losing weight fast and easy is a dream of many. But many people lack sufficient time or inclination for vigorous exercises, or rigid diets. So they look for easy weight loss methods.Here is a simple trick for fast weight loss which is also healthy at the same time. However don't expect to lose weight overnight. Stick to this plan for a few days. 

How Can Apples Help in Fast, Healthy Weight Loss?

he simple trick to fast weight loss is to eat at least 2 apples a day at different times. You can eat it before meals and/or eat it as snacks. A lot of people eat unhealthy snacks like candy bars, chips, junk food etc. It is difficult to give up this habit quickly. So, a wise thing is to replace the snacks with something healthier. This can make a huge difference to your weight. Now for the next few days - instead of eating unhealthy snacks,  reach out for an apple or banana whenever you want to snack. Initially it may be difficult. But you can get used to it pretty soon. A simple snack replacement can prove to be one of the best ways to loss weight fast and easy.

Six Weight Loss Tips That Do not Involve Dieting or Much Exercise

Tip No. 1 -  Eat hot soup before a meal

Research suggests doing so before lunch or dinner helps people eat less. "That's probably because you can't eat hot soups fast, which gives your digestive tract time to send satiety signals out to your brain" before you begin the next course, says Fugh-Berman. She recommends eating a soup that is not cream based to save on fat and calories.

Tip No. 2 -  Do not eat heavily just before bed

Sure we've all heard the credo that body weight is all about calories in, calories out, but it turns out it may also matter when you eat. Fugh-Berman says she has seen preliminary research suggesting that taking in sweet, high-fat foods (ice cream, anyone?) right before bedtime appears to decrease calorie burning and increase fat storage during sleep. "Consuming that same snack earlier in the day doesn't appear to have the same effect," she says.

Tip No. 3 -  Live like a city dweller

People who live in cities weigh less than those who live in the suburbs probably because of "incidental walking," says Fugh-Berman. "Those few blocks that you walk to grab lunch or run an errand really do add up," she says. Plus, the daily activity is incorporated into your life so it doesn't feel like exercise. It's easy to do and not like a workout that you can skip or quit altogether. Don't live or work in a city? You can mimic the effect by parking a few blocks away from the drugstore, dry cleaner, or post office. Fugh-Berman says she has a slim friend whose only exercise is using the stairs instead of the elevator to get to his office on the ninth floor. Going up and down once or twice a day gives him a fairly good calorie burn. 

Tip No. 4 -  Try a dash of chili pepper

If you can stomach it, try a chili-laced appetizer right before your meal. It "appears to have appetite suppressant activity," says Fugh-Berman. "One study found that those who ate a chili-pepper-spiced food right before their meal ate less at the meal." Mix a teaspoonful of chopped chili pepper into mashed avocado, or sprinkle ¼ teaspoon of chili powder into chopped tomatoes for a predinner dip. 

Tip No. 5 - Limit caloric beverages

Drink 260 calories in a Starbucks grande caffè mocha (or a smoothie, or any other sweetened beverage) before lunch, and you'll still eat the same number of calories at your meal. But eat a bagel or handful of jellybeans containing 260 calories, and you'll actually consume less at lunch, according to one study. It's not clear whether our stomachs actually feel fuller from solid food or whether we trick ourselves into thinking that we haven't actually "eaten" if we're drinking calories rather than chewing them, says Fugh-Berman.

Tip No. 6 - Weight yourself once a day

This certainly helps me maintain my weight because I make a point to cut back on snacks if I've gained a little. And research backs me up. A 2006 study from Cornell University found that college freshmen instructed to weigh themselves every morning gained almost no weight during the school year compared with a 7-pound gain for those who weren't given a scale. Though I'm not sure how much the scale helps me personally. I find that every time I've lost a few pounds, I give myself a little permission to indulge—and the pounds come right back on. 

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Fast Weight Loss Tips

Everybody knows the formula for weight loss. Just burn more calories than you consume. But often even strict diet and exercise don't do the job as well or as quickly as you'd like. Fast weight loss tips become especially important when you have an unexpected special event, or if you need to get into a particular outfit, or during the summer when swimsuit season starts to loom.

So what are some good fast weight loss tips that really work? XBQF8AH5E9DQ

Exercise and Fast Weight Loss

Exercise and fast weight loss go hand-in-hand. Exercise helps keep you fit and toned, and helps build muscle. Building muscle naturally increases your metabolism, as muscle requires more energy to function than fat cells. Exercise also burns off unwanted fat, and keeps you feeling energized and healthy during your fast weight loss.

Aerobic exercise is a good way to achieve fast weight loss. Aerobic exercise, burns fat cells off quickly and efficiently, and helps build your endurance and stamina. Anaerobic exercise, by contrast, focuses on muscle building. This, too, is a good way to help increase the speed of your weight loss, since muscle building is also important to fast weight loss.

Colon Cleansing and Fast Weight Loss

One suggestion you might run across when researching fast weight loss tips is colon cleansing. Colon cleansing and fast weight loss seem like an unlikely pair, but in fact colon cleansing is very beneficial to the body. Many ancient healing traditions recommend colon cleansing as a way of eliminating unhealthy toxins.

Colon cleansing can also rid the body of extra weight. As a general rule, the colon isn't as efficient as it could be, and often as much as five to ten pounds of excess weight lingers there. In addition to carrying toxins, this can make you feel heavy and bloated.

Fast Weight Loss Pills

As with other fast weight loss methods, some fast weight loss pills work better than others. Some popular options include:

1 - Phen375

Phen375 is a pharmacy grade weight loss pill that synthesizes hormones and compounds in the body that decrease the body’s ability to store fat and increase the body’s ability to burn stored fat reserves. Based on many years of proven results, phentemine is a highly successful weight loss product that acts as a suppression aid whilst increasing energy levels and metabolism levels.

Phentemine375’s key selling points are its ability to:

• Increase the body’s fat burning ability
• Increase metabolism
• Suppress appetite
• Average 3lbs to 5lbs weight loss each week

2 - Proactol

Its a sad fact, but the human race is going through an "obesity epidemic", which will drive an estimated $150 billion spending in 2007 on weight loss.

Proactol is a ground-breaking development in weight loss treatment, and is exactly what over weight people have been waiting for.

3 - UniqueHoodia

UniqueHoodia is the ultimate appetite suppressant! Containing 1485mg of the purest, South African Hoodia Gordonii as well as 5mg of Bioperine which increases absorption by an amazing 30%, UniqueHoodia is the purest, strongest and most effective Hoodia product on the market.

4 - Meratol

Meratol is a brand new weight loss pill which has been made to pharmaceutical standards, this 4 way acting product has been designed to achieve the following:

- Reduce calorie intake
- Block carbohydrates
- Speed up the metabolism
- Burn more calories

5 - Capsiplex

Capsiplex is a clinically proven weight loss pill containing pepper which can help burn 12 times more calories, in a placebo controlled study this resulted in people burning up to 278 more calories. Capsiplex is a 100% natural and has no known side effects and it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.